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Amiamo incontraci stare insieme raccontarvi i nostri prodotti e i nostri vini, coccolarvi. Preservare i sapori della tradizione, farvi ricordare la cucina delle nostre nonne e farvela assaporare ancora.
A questi eventi unici, curati nei minimi particolari, potrai partecipare anche tu e prenotare il tuo tavolo: sarai abbracciato dal calore della nostra famiglia, tra le vecchie pareti dipinte a nuovo e i soffitti in legno del nostro agriturismo.
Scopri cosa abbiamo preparato per te: dai pranzi alle cene, dalle degustazioni alle lezioni di cucina.

Ti aspettiamo!

Ultimi eventi | Eventi

Visit the vineyard with wine tasting on Fridays

Cascina Maddalena Via Maddalena, 17, Lugana di Sirmione

Elisa will tell you about the history of our Farmhouse and will explain our wine’s production process, step by step from the fields to the bottle! VISIT THE VINEYARD WITH WINE TASTING English-guided visit through the vineyard and cellar. On all our tours we offer simple accompaniments: breadsticks, local cheeses and our homemade jam. The …

Visit the vineyard with wine tasting on Wednesdays

Cascina Maddalena Via Maddalena, 17, Lugana di Sirmione

Elisa will tell you about the history of our Farmhouse and will explain our wine’s production process, step by step from the fields to the bottle! VISIT THE VINEYARD WITH WINE TASTING English-guided visit through the vineyard and cellar. On all our tours we offer simple accompaniments: breadsticks, local cheeses and our homemade jam. The …

Visit the vineyard with wine tasting on Mondays

Cascina Maddalena Via Maddalena, 17, Lugana di Sirmione

Elisa will tell you about the history of our Farmhouse and will explain our wine’s production process, step by step from the fields to the bottle! VISIT THE VINEYARD WITH WINE TASTING English-guided visit through the vineyard and cellar. On all our tours we offer simple accompaniments: breadsticks, local cheeses and our homemade jam. The …